Year: 2023

In the weekend

Task Description

In the weekend I was at home getting ready for church because my Auntie died. When I was getting ready for church my mum said “hurry up!” So we all got in the car and my dad drove us all the way and we saw the church. My dad stopped the car and we all got out and we got into the church and we sat on the bench while everyone was talking. After that, church was starting. The man was walking on the stairs and he got on the stage and he went to the middle of the stage and he saw the microphone. The man started to talk.

First the man said church is over and all of the people saw the the door and they got out and we saw our car and we got in the car and my dad stared to drive.


Next my dad drive back home and he parked in the driveway and we got out of the car and we got in the house and I was watching tv.

The Aquarium

Task Description

In the picture all of the people who were sitting on the bench looked at the creatures and the little fish. The man and the  other people were so happy that they saw the fish and the stingray. There were five sharks and the sharks were hungry so the people saw the sharks  were coming up to the little fish and the fish was scared so they swam away from the sharks. The sharks  were chasing the fish and the fish found a hiding spot that they could fit in and the sharks couldn’t fit in the tiny hole because they were too big. 


First the fish were safe and the one shark was behind the hiding spot and the one fish came out and the shark was ready to eat the fish so it came out and it ate one fish and the other fish saw what happened to the first fish. Next the other shark swam back home and he saw his home so he got inside his home and he opened his mouth and all the sharks were hungry so the second shark was behind the spot where the fist shark was behind. 


Then the second shark saw the second fish came out and the shark caught the fish and all of the fish saw what happened again and the shark ate the fish and he swam back to his home and he saw his house and he got in and the house and he open his mouth and three sharks saw a dead fish because the shark was chewing and killing the fish in his mouth and the fish was dead. All the people took a photo of the fishes and the two stingray was swimming around and all of the people were taking pictures of the stingray.

Christmas is around

Task Description

Once upon a time it was Christmas’ and There was a lot of decorating. The light bolts and the bells were on the floor. Inside there was a Christmas tree inside the house and the tree had some decorations on  the Christmas tree.  At night time Santa was on his sleigh. At the back of Santa’s sleigh there were a lot of presents. Then he saw a house full of decorations.  Santa stopped at a house and he jumped off his sleigh and he put the presents in his bag and he tied it and he jumped in the chimney. He landed on the floor quietly and put the presents under the Christmas tree when everyone was asleep in their bed. 


First Santa was in the house and he put the presents under the Christmas tree.

Athletics day.

Task Description

Today it was athletics day at the school on  the field. We had to  wear our house colour t-shirts. Miss Davis said’ Scanlon  takes the boys and status is gonna take the girls. Next we lined up and we sat on the floor and we saw the sign that says the three girls sit where the sign says and the year three boys sit where the sign is. 

First game we all played is high’ jump that all of us has to go in a line and the coach has to point at one person to run and then jump. In the first line was easy and the coach put it a little bit higher and I jumped over it because it was so easy.


Then Mr Somerville press the horn and he rang the bell again and we went to our fourth activity, which was Mr Burt’s race. He put everyone in a three lines 


The end of the world

Task Description


In the picture a man  survived an earthquake and everything was destroyed even the entire city was damaged and destroyed. The man and the puppy were the ones who survived because they saw the entire stuff was completely destroyed because something definitely destroyed Paris. The man and his puppy saw something that it was the end of the world a nuke destroyed the Paris. The man saw the ocean and the Eiffel Tower was destroyed too because a nuke was launching down to Paris and now it is destroyed now because the nuke was to powerful that it destroyed the entire city of Paris is destroyed.

First the man and the puppy were the ones that who survived the nuke. After that the man saw the entire stuff is destroyed.

Next he saw the ocean was clearing the whole city of Paris.

Finally the man was standing on the wood and the man and the puppy saw the entire world is destroyed.